How to solve problems of Medical centrifuge?
In medical tests, medical centrifuges are commonly used to separate serum, plasma, precipitated proteins or as urine sediments. The use of a medical centrifuge allows the rapid precipitation of particles suspended in the mixed liquor to separate various material components with different specific gravities.
In the test work, due to medical centrifuge time, stop the frequent use of time is relatively concentrated, motors and mechanical wear, consumption, if not in time on a regular basis to do the maintenance work, downtime or low speed does not become prone to a direct impact The normal development of inspection work. Therefore, it is very important to be able to understand the method of quickly eliminating all kinds of faults in the centrifuge and to ensure that the centrifuge is always in good working order.
Troubleshooting: If the Medical centrifuge stops, it will not turn or the speed will be slow.
Analysis of motives: After turning on the medical centrifuge, the speed control knob gradually increases step by step in a clockwise direction, so that the speed of the motor gradually accelerates until the required speed is executed. When the centrifuge shuts down or slow speed fails, first to eliminate part of the power supply failure. The external power supply line broken, plug, socket is bad, damage to the bearings or stator, rotor coils burned short or open and other reasons, mainly because the brushes are open, that is, the rotor does not match between the commutator and the brush caused by poor contact.
Because the motor used in the medical centrifuge is usually a series motor. It consists of a stator and a rotor. The stator consists of a core and a magnetic field coil that forms a fixed fixed magnetic pole. The rotor is composed of iron core and rotor coil and commutator. The function of the brush is to connect the stator coil to the critical components of the rotor coil through the commutator. Circuit Works Series excited motor is the stator current from the power source through the field coil, the brush, the commutator flows through the rotor coils, and then the brush back to the stator field coils of power, thus forming the circuit. The coils of the magnetic field and the rotor coils are brushed in series by means of switches. The currents in all the parts of the line are equal, so that only if it is guaranteed that the series circuit is not obstructed, the motor can operate normally at the required speed.
Therefore, the working conditions of the brushes directly affect the normal operation of the motor, but because the contact between the brush and commutator, wear, consumption or spring failure and other reasons, can make the brush and the open disconnect switch, this is the main cause of a centrifugal shutdown or a low speed fault. How to solve problems of Medical centrifuge?
The typical malfunction of Medical centrifuge is more common. Maintenance steps: First clean the brush case and check the brush wear. When the length of the brush wear is less than 10 mm, the same brush size should be replaced. To replace the brush, unscrew the cover of the brush box and remove the old brush. If the old brush spring is intact, it can be removed and reconnected to the new brush. If the spring fails or damaged, while replacing the spring, and then the positive direction, such as replacing the box, the brush case in free fall, a perfect fit, and then tighten the cap. Remove the turntable, the engine speed is adjusted to the maximum, let the engine run without load, then the speed will be very high, after a few minutes will make the end of the brush and the outer edge of the commutator. Then stop the machine, remove the motor, remove the rust on the surface of the collector with fine sandpaper and use a brush or a dry cloth to remove carbon dust from the commutator. Finally, the machine can be restored.
Another simple method is to find a large cylinder with a commutator, cover it with a thin paper sand layer and sand it out. Brush the final face of the brush on a curved surface that matches the outer edge of the switch. Then install it again. To ensure normal operation of the centrifuge, preventive maintenance work must be carried out with care. The wear of switches and brushes should be checked regularly (six months or one year). Eliminates toner contamination on the surface of the commutator in time to prolong the life of the brush. In the case of damaged devices, such as brushes, springs, etc., they must be replaced in time to ensure that the centrifuge is in good working order. Anatomical site; (4) very irregular tumor; (5) the tumor is adjacent to a normal tissue structure sensitive to radiation; (6) Irradiated tumor of small but high dose. Conformal radiotherapy is not suitable for tumors that are extremely sensitive to radiotherapy and that are extremely resistant.
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