Medical centrifuge are widely used in the medical field
Medical centrifuge in the field of medicine is widely used, cells, DNA molecules in the micro-level research require centrifugal separation, the centrifuge speed is usually such a high speed above 5000 rpm, 60,000 rpm or less , times the acceleration of gravity can be provided Centrifugal force for the separation of small molecules. The general separation of blood with a medical centrifuge of 3000 turns can be basically the current that most manufacturers can produce, in actual use it also received good results. Centrifuging the purification and other drugs used in the refining process was generally low speed centrifuge, 3,000 rpm or less of speed, large capacity, in order to meet the pharmaceutical production requirements of GMP and, generally stainless steel material. Such technology is relatively simple centrifuge, a centrifuge zone that is generally used, is a clinical centrifuge sample solution based on the density gradient to the cells, virus, DNA molecule, separated and collected, the samples were loaded and under Continuously, It is widely used in the production process, it is also widely used in laboratory equipment. Since the DC inverter motor or brushless DC motor, and having an adjustable speed is usually higher speeds, and to reduce the body weight of the drum wrap, or other plastic in general less reactive alloys, light alloys often used inside or other non-reactive material Production.
The centrifugal chamber for medical centrifuge is a high vacuum sealed cavity, the protective cover, the cavity of the lead layer, the floor, the cover and other components. Made of armored steel, the boot is lined with lead to prevent debris from flying out of the centrifuge chamber in case of an accidental break. Commonly made of steel lumen or stainless steel enamel, which has good resistance to corrosion, the outer disc of the lumen of the cooling tubes, to reduce the temperature of the centrifuge chamber. Some lower centrifugal lumen is also equipped with a heating wire as an auxiliary heating medium to heat the centrifuge, which is used when defrosting and drying. Centrifuge chamber is also equipped with a temperature detector, and the detection of speed means the detection of a vacuum, with a bit of additional mechanical overspeed limit lever is one of the basic components of the centrifuge, old centrifuge cover clinical centrifuge chamber equipped with a power switch When the cover motor of the centrifugal chamber is covered, it can guarantee safety. The new Ministry of the centrifugal centrifuge chamber equipped with an electromagnetic lock, before the motor to run the upper lid lock, turned around completely stopped after the end of the centrifugation, the inner atmospheric pressure decreases, with the order to open the lid.
The Medical centrifuge is a conventional laboratory centrifuge, widely used in the biological, chemical, pharmaceutical and other research, education and production departments for the rapid separation of synthetic samples. The medical centrifuge table should be flat and solid, the workplace should be clean, dry and well ventilated. Turn on the ignition switch, the light is on. Turn off the ignition switch. Open the lid of the centrifuge and clean the light and the rotor. Load weighing the same test tube. Close the centrifuge lid. Set the timing Open the power switch Set the speed control knob to the desired speed. Before each stop. The speed control knob should be placed in the minimum position. Zero timer Turn off the ignition switch again. Clean the light and the rotor. Close the centrifuge lid.
An important indicator of separation performance of a medical centrifuge is the separation factor. Represents the relationship within the drum suffered from centrifugal force gravity to the same material is separated, the greater the separation factor, the faster separation usually, the better the separation effect. Industrial centrifugal separation factor is generally from 100 to 20,000, the pipe separator separation factor speeding can be up to 62,000, with a separation factor analysis accelerate the 610 000 separator. Another factor that determines the handling capacity of The medical centrifuges is the working area of the drum and the large work area. centrifuge filter and decanter centrifuge, rely mainly on the face to increase the diameter of the drum to expand the circumference of the drum; Drum separator In addition peripheral wall, there is additional work surface, such as a disc disk separator and the chamber of the air chamber separator formula, significantly increased the face of settlement.
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